Every Home, Business, and Structure Needs an Address

Even if you rely on a post office box for mail delivery, it is important that your E-911 address be posted and that this posted address be visible from the road. You can help emergency responders locate your home, business or other structure by properly displaying your address and following some very simple guidelines.

Numbers should be...

  • Located Near the Road and Posted on Each Structure (to provide two chances for address verification)
  • Located on the Same Side of the Street as the Addressed Property (even when your mailbox is accross the street from the structure)
  • Visible From Both Directions (emergency vehicles may arrive from different directions)
  • Large
    • 4" High (or more) for single-family residences
    • 6" High (or more) for multi-family dwellings and non-residential buildings
  • Visible in the Dark (placed under a light, be made of reflective materials, and/or be located on a highly contrasting background)
  • Unobscured (trim the bushes, vines, flowers and weeds so all numbers are clearly visible and ensure that all decorative items (flower baskets, flags, etc.) do not obstruct a clear view)
  • Unique (two or more houses should not share a mailbox and an additional address should be obtained)

Why Properly Display Your Address?

  • Protection in Case of Emergency. Protect your building occupants and your property. If you need 911 services, fire, law enforcement and EMS will be able to find you faster. A visitor, child or an injured person may be unable to give clear directions. New emergency personnel may be unfamiliar with your area. Seconds count in an emergency!
  • Identification for Utility Services. Telephone, electric, and cable companies rely on an address to start a new service or respond to a maintenance problem.
  • Identification for Mail Services. Mail, package and other deliveries require an address, having that address clearly shown will ensure prompt delivery.
  • It’s the Law!!!