Convenience Center (Recycling Center)
All Solid Waste Facilities open at 7:00 am and close at 4:00 pm, Monday-Saturday, excluding holidays and inclement weather.This facility only accepts household trash if you participate in the bag for bag program. Household trash is defined as trash from your kitchen or bathroom.
The Convenience Center is for residents of Henderson County only. Proof of residency will be required when using the facility.
No commercial or business vehicles will be allowed to use the Convenience Center because it is for residential use only.
All solid waste and recyclables being transported shall be secured by a tarpaulin, camper cover, metal cover, rigid cover, plastic or suitable material to prevent leakage or blowing of materials from the vehicle which includes adequate coverage for bagged garbage. You will not be admitted into the Convenience Center if your solid waste and recycling is not secure.
Visit here for a printable guide to the items accepted at the Convenience Center and Transfer Station.
The Convenience Center accepts the following items for recycling:
- Aluminum and steel cans (rinsed, dry)
- Antifreeze
- Batteries (rechargeable and non-rechargeable; tape over positive terminals of household batteries)
- Cardboard (flattened, packing material removed)
- Cooking oil
- Food waste
- Gable top/carton containers (rinsed, dry, plastic tops/lids on)
- Glass containers (rinsed, dry, plastic/metal tops off)
- Mercury-containing products (click here for specific information)
- Mixed paper (including junk mail, soft cover books, magazines, newspaper, office paper)
- White goods (upright, doors removed) and scrap metal
- Peripheral electronics: small office equipment (scanners, printers, etc.), telephones, stereos, keyboards, game consoles, etc.
- Plastic food, beverage, and laundry/kitchen containers (plastic bottles, tubs, jugs, and jars accepted)(dry, plastic tops/lids on)
- Used motor oil and used oil filters
- Sharps (must be in a sealed, rigid plastic container)
The Convenience Center does not accept the following items, but the Transfer Station does:
- Beneficial fill
- Carpet, linoleum, other types of flooring
- Construction & masonry debris
- Dried paint (must be in solid form for Transfer Station to accept)
- Garden hose reels or other large rigid plastics
- Mattresses & furniture
- Plastic bags or film
- Sliding glass doors and windows
- Tires
- TVs and computer monitors
- Yard debris
- Yard Waste
HHW Events:
Henderson County Solid Waste holds special collection events six times a year at the Convenience Center. Only on specific dates, liquid paint and Household Chemicals, pesticides, and cleaners are collected at the Convenience Center. Please check the Paint Collection and Household Hazardous Waste Collection pages for more details or call Environmental Programs at (828) 694-6304.